Woodcut by Wes Modes.
“At the beginning of shelter-in-place, I planned a series of darkly humorous woodcuts illustrating an early bunker mentality drawn principally from photos of the 50’s cold war era. But I was inspired by those brave souls in Italy who endeavored to shout back against the darkness and isolation with music and chants and howls. And in my own neighborhood (and maybe in yours), word spread that people were howling every night at a certain time.
I know at this point, ‘together but apart’ is a cliché, but it inspired me enough to carve an overly complicated woodcut of folks howling and playing music. This neighborhood was inspired by a neighborhood in the Mission District in San Francisco, the very block where the famous Lexington Club (a dive bar for queer women) used to be, before it was priced out by gentrification and an influx of tech bros.”
Here’s a link to Wes’ art .
Are you an illustrator? Want to submit the next cover? Here’s the deets .
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A Soundtrack for June
Music From the Yiddish Radio Project
All that survives from the “golden age” of Yiddish radio in the 1930s to ’50s are a thousand fragile discs, rescued from storerooms, attics, and even dumpsters. But what a story they tell! The Yiddish Radio Project is a celebration of these recordings and of the forgotten geniuses and dreamers who created them.

“Pigeons have been domesticated for thousands of years, just like dogs and cats. In fact, pigeons are highly intelligent, very clean and have served mankind for centuries. They deserve our respect and should be looked after.”
Duke Riley , New York artistPigeon animation by artist David Cleves (@davidcleves ). Remix by Wes Modes

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Fellow Workers Pay Attention…
The IWW (or “Wobblies,” as they came to be called, for reasons not really clear) aimed at organizing all workers in any industry into “One Big Union,” undivided by sex, race, or skills… They spoke of “direct action”:
Direct action means industrial action directly by, for, and of the workers themselves, without the treacherous aid of labor misleaders or scheming politicians. A strike that is initiated, controlled, and settled by the workers directly affected is direct action. . .. Direct action is industrial democracy.
The IWW people were militant, courageous. Despite a reputation given them by the press, they did not believe in initiating violence, but did fight back when attacked.
From Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States

The Earth is Not Dying
“The earth is not dying, it is being killed, and those who are killing it have names and addresses.” –Utah Phillips, born 85 years ago today on May 15th, 1935 in Cleveland, Ohio

Wake Up
It was an immensely powerful idea. In the ten exciting years after its birth, the IWW became a threat to the capitalist class, exactly when capitalist growth was enormous and profits huge. The IWW never had more than five to ten thousand enrolled members at any one time- people came and went, and perhaps a hundred thousand were members at one time or another. But their energy, their persistence, their inspiration to others, their ability to mobilize thousands at one place, one time, made them an influence on the country far beyond their numbers. They traveled everywhere (many were unemployed or migrant workers); they organized, wrote, spoke, sang, spread their message and their spirit.
They were attacked with all the weapons the system could put together: the newspapers, the courts, the police, the army, mob violence. Local authorities passed laws to stop them from speaking; the IWW defied these laws. In Missoula, Montana, a lumber and mining area, hundreds of Wobblies arrived by boxcar after some had been prevented from speaking. They were arrested one after another until they clogged the jails and the courts, and finally forced the town to repeal its antispeech ordinance.
Join a Fighting Union

Virtual Little Library
Sign up to read one or more of our soon-to-be published books and, once a week, you’ll receive email that will have a link to the book you’ve selected.
Read as we write!

DIY Heart Surgery
Widespread ongoing transmission of a respiratory illness caused by a novel (new) coronavirus (COVID-19) is occurring globally. Some health care systems are becoming overwhelmed and there may be limited access to adequate medical care in affected areas.
In the event that you require non-COVID-19 medical attention, it is unlikely your health care facility will be able to see you. You may have to improvise your own health care based on the competent guidance that the internet has to offer. In the case of a more serious illness or accident, make sure your browser is updated to the latest version before you search for further help.

These days I feel like I’m not moving enough, or not moving fast enough, like if I were lying on the ground, I’d feel the weeds growing up around me. But when else would I notice the weeds?

The Quarantine Baby – And How He Grew
“The Quarantine Baby – And How He Grew” is a digital photo of an analog collage on canvas (24×20) of digital photo collages of analog drawings and paintings by jody franklin.

ZOOM Animal Art
This is a ZOOM class, it used to be a brick and mortar class in my studio at the Tannery. Surprisingly, ZOOM is good enough! I teach scientific drawing and we draw local WILD animals. All you need is paper, pencil and if you have it, a thin sharpie, if not a black pencil, and colors, (crayons, colored pencils, water colored pencils or just watercolors). The class is every Tuesday 4-4:40 and the link is on my website below. Adults like this class too! 🙂

To exist is to suffer
The Buddha’s basic teachings rest on what arc called the Four Noble Truths:
- No one can deny that suffering is the condition of all existence.
- Suffering and general dissatisfaction come to human beings because they are possessive, greedy, and, above all, self-centered.
- Egocentrism, possessiveness, and greed can, however, be understood, overcome, rooted out.
- This rooting out, this vanquishing, can be brought about by following a simple, reasonable Eightfold Path of behavior in thought, word, and deed. Change of viewpoint will manifest itself in a new outlook and new patterns of behavior.

World War One
This is from a WW1 photo album I got somewhere. That album started my curiosity about the war. Why did it happen? How did it end?
So many people dead.

Who’s Watching?
Ever felt like you were being watched? There’s a song for that.
Check The Gram

Where to Donate
Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter
In the wake of the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery , Breonna Taylor, Nina Pop, Sean Reed, and now George Floyd , it is imperative that we have a conversation about where we, as a society, go from here. It seems there is an overwhelming expectation that Black activists and organizers will say something profound about Black death, but what I have to offer is not some profound truth but a simple request: Take action.
Take Anti-Racist Action
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Feed Each Other Fight the State 1st Aid
Our group’s purpose is to gather experience and information to best equip ourselves and our comrades, and to use this information to increase safety in the field at demonstrations of various types. Get in contact by emailing animalplant8@gmail.com
Love and solidarity <3

The Electric Slide Boogie
by Audre Lorde
New Year’s Day 1:16 AM
and my body is weary beyond
time to withdraw and rest
ample room allowed me in everyone’s head
but community calls
right over the threshold
drums beating through the walls
children playing their truck dramas
under the collapsible coatrack
in the narrow hallway outside my room
The TV lounge next door is wide open
it is midnight in Idaho
and the throb easy subtle spin
of the electric slide boogie
around the corner of the parlor
past the sweet clink
of dining room glasses
and the edged aroma of slightly overdone
dutch-apple pie
all laced together
with the rich dark laughter
of Gloria
and her higher-octave sisters
How hard it is to sleep
in the middle of life.
Woodcut borrowed from artist Sophie Herxheimer

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