We know that Triscuit is an offshoot of the word Biscuit. But why Tri-scuit? Is it because of it having three ingredients? (certainly not)
-Does it have a triple weave? (No)
A PI did some digging and there was no google record other than guesses as to why it is called this. The slueth then contacted Nabisco who makes them to ask and they stated ” Thank you for your interest in our Trsiscuit Crackers. No business records survived which specifically explain the origins or inspiration for the name Trsicuit. But we do know the name was a fun derivation of the word biscuit.”
The sleuth now very confused has more questions than answers. Did the building explode? Did it burn. Did someone leave the burning building yelling it doesn’t mean three before dying in a blaze of glory?
He digs deeper and finds some old advertisements and found something interesting. The company in 1903 was formed in Niagra Falls and there main advertisements were about being the only company that baked their biscuits using electricity. A huge deal at the time.
Triscuit the Electric Biscuit
We know that Triscuit is an offshoot of the word Biscuit. But why Tri-scuit? Is it because of it having three ingredients? (certainly not)
-Does it have a triple weave? (No)
A PI did some digging and there was no google record other than guesses as to why it is called this. The slueth then contacted Nabisco who makes them to ask and they stated ” Thank you for your interest in our Trsiscuit Crackers. No business records survived which specifically explain the origins or inspiration for the name Trsicuit. But we do know the name was a fun derivation of the word biscuit.”
The sleuth now very confused has more questions than answers. Did the building explode? Did it burn. Did someone leave the burning building yelling it doesn’t mean three before dying in a blaze of glory?
He digs deeper and finds some old advertisements and found something interesting. The company in 1903 was formed in Niagra Falls and there main advertisements were about being the only company that baked their biscuits using electricity. A huge deal at the time.
Triscuit is short for Electricity Biscuit.
That hero’s name is Sage Boggs.