Yeast, gelatin, starter for barter
Oh my gosh, you guys, in a woozy fit we bought Costco amounts of active dry yeast, which is more than my household has ever/will ever use in our combined lifetimes, but it was only because we couldn’t find single family-scale amounts at the store-stores. So we divvied into 8-use amounts and vacuum packed most of it & froze it for later/you. Also my husband bought a 1 lb tub of gelatin for why? Why? Are you panic-preserving and/or baking but lack these key supplies? Then by all means LET US TRADE. Whatchoo got. We could use a muffin tin, for some reason we do not have one. Or, we’ll take seedling overages. Contact me to compare notes and arrange proper social distance swap. Yes, we have sourdough starter too.
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